How to Set Limits on Screen Time for Kids

How To Set Limits On Screen Time For Kids - Comwave
Calender Icon Sep 10 2023

11 Ways To Reduce Your Children’s Device Usage

Every parent knows all how helpful phones and tablets can be when it comes to keeping your kids occupied and entertained. However, when kids start spending more and more time in front of their screens, and less time on activities that help with their development, it may be time to start setting limits on screen time. 

However, when it comes to putting limits in place and reducing your kids’ screen time, this process is much easier said than done and can be a bit of a challenge. Fortunately, there are a few easy ways to put limits in place and set healthy boundaries when it comes to your kids using devices that won’t cause major tantrums. 

Keep reading to find out what our tips are for limiting screen time for kids.

The Impact That Too Much Screen Time Can Have on Children’s Development

According to an ongoing study from the National Institutes of Health (NIH), children that spend approximately 2 hours per day using screens have lower thinking/reasoning power and language processing ability. 

Too much screen time has also been linked to:

  • Obesity
  • Irregular sleep
  • Behavioural problems
  • Diminished academic performance
  • Developments delays

How Much Screen Time Kids Should Have

As a parent, you know what’s best for your children, so you should always set limits that you feel are appropriate. However, if you’d like a bit of guidance on the topic, the Canadian Paediatric Society recommends that children under two years old not have any screen time at all. For children under five years old, screen time should be limited to less than one hour. For children five and older, they recommend limiting screen time to less than two hours.

Tips For Reducing Your Child’s Screen Time

If you’re looking to start setting boundaries when it comes to your kids and their devices but don’t know where to begin, consider these tips.

Set an Example

After a long, hard day, it’s easy to get sucked into your phone, especially around your kids. However, if you want to limit your kids’ screen time, you’ll need to lead by example and spend less time looking at your own phone, tablet, and TV while your children are present.

Keep The TV Off When Nobody Is Watching It

It’s common to leave the TV on as you move around the house. However, in order to discourage your kids from watching too much television, create a TV schedule and only allow the television to be on during set times.

Put the Screens Away At Least an Hour Before Bedtime

Too much screen time can interfere with sleep, so always take away devices at least one hour before bed to help your kids wind down and have a better night’s sleep.

Don’t Frame Your Limits as a Punishment

If your kids feel like they are being punished by having their screen time reduced, it can lead to resentment and rebellion. So, when setting screen time limits, explain to your kids why you are implementing new rules and list some of the amazing benefits of having less screen time. By making this sound like a positive change and providing alternative activities they will enjoy, your children are less likely to react negatively to the new rules.

Start Introducing New Activities

Introduce some fun new games, toys, and activities as alternatives to screen time so your kids will have something else to focus their attention on and won’t miss their devices.

Pick the Right Time to Start Introducing Limits

Avoid implementing new rules regarding screen time right before or during major life changes or during any busy time to make the transition easier on your kids. 

Here are some examples of times you should hold off on setting screen time limits:

  • Right before or during a move 
  • Before or during a family trip
  • At the beginning or end of the school year
  • During a spousal separation
  • Right after the loss of a family member


Be Patient

Making any kind of changes to a child’s routine is bound to result in some hiccups, so be patient as your kids adjust to these new limits and learn how to live their lives without excess screen time.

Don’t Introduce Screens Too Early

In order to prevent your kids from being dependent on screen time for entertainment, avoid introducing screens before two years old. As they get older, only allow devices during certain times, like long car rides and plane trips.

Teach Your Kids About the Dangers of Too Much Screen Time

It’s important to educate your kids on the dangers of the internet and encourage digital literacy at a young age. When your kids understand the risks of too much screen time, they are less likely to abuse their device privileges.

Use Apps to Control Usage

If setting limits on screen time isn’t working, look into the settings on your devices and see if there is a way to block access to apps during certain times. If your device doesn’t have this type of setting, there are also some apps that you can download to control screen time.

Reduce Data Limits and Track Usage

Reducing your data limit and tracking usage are great ways to hold yourself accountable and set firm screen time limits. 

Comwave offers tools and features that make it easy to monitor and manage your family’s internet usage so you can keep track of how much data your kids are using.

Take a look at our website to learn more about our plans and pricing and find an internet package that works for you and your family.

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