10 Time-Saving Tips for Busy Students

10 Time Saving Tips For Busy Students - Comewave
Calender Icon Oct 15 2023

Tips and Tricks for Students Looking to Improve Time Management

Life as a college or university student can feel hectic and overwhelming. Between early morning classes, part-time jobs, exam prep, and staying connected with friends and family, it can be difficult trying to find time to stay on top of important tasks. Fortunately, we’re here to help. We’ve compiled some of our best advice for staying organized and getting things done more efficiently. Keep reading to find out what they are!

Use a Time Management App

If you have a hard time keeping up with all of your tasks, assignments, and other priorities, try using a time management app to help you stay on track. 

Apps like Remember the Milk, Notion, and myHomework allow you to create task lists and assign a deadline. They will even remind you when the task’s deadline is approaching, or when the task is overdue. You can even try using this type of tool for group projects to help keep everyone accountable and on track with their deliverables.

Do Meal Prep

If you have a busy week coming up, prepare your meals in advance when you have some extra time on the weekend. Then, keep them in your fridge and pop them in the microwave for a quick dinner, lunch, or breakfast. This will free up so much time during the week so you can focus more energy on school and other priorities.

Reduce Your Screen Time

While smartphones are an amazing way to stay connected and distract yourself from the stresses of student life, they can also make it difficult to focus on schoolwork. If you struggle to focus on schoolwork because you are spending too much time on your phone, consider putting your phone away so you can’t easily access it when you’re in class, studying, or completing assignments. You can also try setting screen time limits on your phone, turning off notifications, and even offloading apps that you know are a distraction. 

Give Yourself Lots of Time to Complete Big Assignments

For large end-of-the-semester assignments, it can feel tempting to procrastinate and complete everything within a week or less before the due date. However, a better approach is to start chipping away at the work weeks, if not months in advance. Giving yourself lots of time to do the work will yield better results and prevent you from having to push aside other important priorities later on. 

Streamline Your Note-Taking

Keeping up with important lectures while also staying focused on what the professor is saying can be a balancing act. 

Try coming up with your own note-taking strategy that makes it easier to jot down important points quickly. Try using bullet points, abbreviations, symbols, and even mind maps. This makes it easier to listen to the professor and find important information in your notes while studying later.

Start a Study Group

It’s so easy to get side-tracked and distracted when working by yourself. To hold yourself accountable, stay on track, and eliminate distractions, get together every week with other students so you can focus on studying or completing important assignments. 

Take Frequent Breaks

If you start feeling burnt out from studying and schoolwork, consider adopting the Pomodoro Technique to help you stay focused. Here’s how it works: 

Study or complete school work for 25 minutes at a time without distractions. After 25 minutes, take a five-minute break. After four cycles, allow yourself to take a longer break – 30 minutes or longer. Giving yourself frequent breaks will help to prevent your brain from feeling overloaded and enable you to focus better and absorb more information. 

Create a Schedule

Having a structured week is one of the best ways to stay organized and on top of all your priorities. Have set days and times for studying and completing assignments and other tasks so you don’t feel overwhelmed trying to cram everything in at the end of the week. Also, be sure to set reminders on your phone so that you don’t forget.

Make Time For Yourself

While your top priority as a student should always be keeping up with your classes and schoolwork, it’s also incredibly important to make time every week for self-care and social activities. Each week, set aside one day when you can sleep in, go to the gym, spend time with friends, or do anything else that makes you happy. Having time to focus on things you enjoy will help prevent you from getting burnt out and feeling unfocused and unmotivated when it comes to schoolwork.

Ask For Extra Time When You Need It

If you find yourself in a position where you simply do not have the ability to complete every task that you have on your plate, don’t be afraid to reach out to your professors and ask for help. When given enough notice, professors are often flexible and may be willing to provide accommodations depending on the circumstances. 

Use Comwave’s Internet And Mobile Services To Stay On Top Of Academic Responsibilities

Staying on top of assignments and keeping up with student life, in general, can be a difficult feat if you have an unreliable internet connection. If you find yourself cramming for an exam in the middle of the night and are unable to load important study materials, it may be time to switch to a more reliable internet provider like Comwave.

Comwave is Canada’s largest independent internet provider, offering fast and highly affordable home internet you can depend on delivered with outstanding customer service.

In fact, Comwave has some of the fastest, most reliable Internet and Wi-Fi coverage at some of the best prices in all of Canada. With Comwave as a provider, you can deliver assignments on time.

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