The Pros and Cons of a Smart Home

The Pros and Cons of a Smart Home - Comwave
Calender Icon Apr 5 2023

The smart home has skyrocketed in popularity over the past years, causing a lot of people to consider converting and upgrading their homes with smart home technology. And the best part? It’s not a total remodeling project. You can start as simple as you want, with little additions to the fixtures, appliances, and your daily routine. 

Whether it’s a voice assistant and smart TV, or a smart hub that controls the locks on the doors, your doorbell, thermostat, lights, and more, there are many ways to make your home smart. Of course, don’t forget the best home internet service—the fastest and cheapest, only from Comwave, to keep your smart home online.

But even with these benefits, not every feature of a smart home is attractive to, or even right for everyone. This is why it’s important to weigh the pros and cons of a smart home. Before you start buying the latest smart home devices, find out the top advantages and disadvantages to consider.

What is a smart home?

Essentially, a smart home is powered by smart devices that allow you to control your home and automate routines. It’s a network of devices connected to your Comwave home internet that communicate with one another to perform tasks. You can control each device individually with an app on your phone, or through a central hub that acts like the “brains” of your home.

These devices that make up your smart home can include a voice assistant, sensors and thermostats, door locks, wall plugs, light bulbs, cameras, and appliances like a smart robot vacuum, fridge, dishwasher, and more. There’s no shortage of devices to set up your smart home with.

Pros and Cons of a Smart Home: Weighing the Benefits of a Lifestyle Upgrade

So, are you ready to convert your home into a smart home? Let’s weigh the pros and cons, and see how you can make your home smart with the right devices and fast and cheap home internet.

   1. Convenience vs. Compatibility

Pro: Unrivaled Convenience

This one is a no-brainer—it’s the biggest benefit of converting your home into a smart home. Automation is the driving force behind a smart home: the ability to set the temperature so you’re always cozy, turn the lights on and off, start watching TV, and more, all with a quick tap on your smart hub or a voice command. And the best part? You can control your home even when you’re away, so tasks like cleaning can run.

Con: Incompatible Technology

Despite the convenience offered by a smart home, some devices in this network may not be compatible with one another. Depending on the manufacturer and the operating system of a device, it may not function with your smart hub or voice assistant.

So, before you go shopping, don’t just consider the most popular devices in the market. If this is your strategy for making your home smart, you might end up with a hodgepodge of devices from various manufacturers, each with its own requirements for operating. Instead, check each device that you want to build your smart home with, and make sure it works with the rest of your stack.

Pro Tip

Before building your smart home tech stack, choose an ecosystem first. What’s the operating system you’re most comfortable with or want to use? Popular smart home ecosystems include Google, Apple, and Amazon. If you already have a smart home device that you’re comfortable with, such as a voice assistant, it’s best to add other devices that are compatible with it and guarantee seamless use.

   2. 24/7 Energy Efficiency vs. Power and Internet Outages

Pro: Energy Efficiency

A smart home can be highly energy efficient, giving you long-term savings on energy bills. Fixtures such as sensors, light bulbs, and a thermostat can help you regulate the atmosphere and climate of your home. You can set routines to turn them on and off, and limit energy usage when you’re not home, which lowers your energy bills.

Con: Power and Internet Outages

Like any device powered by electricity, a smart home is only as good as the connections that make them possible. If a power outage occurs, your home will automatically be offline too, since your Comwave home internet requires the router to be plugged in. A double outage would certainly be inconvenient, since you won’t be able to control your smart home.

Pro Tip

A power and subsequent internet outage may be out of your hands, but you can have a backup system or routine in place. Most smart home systems have some form of backup to keep them working, so make sure that any required settings are activated upon setup.

   3. Security vs. Ongoing Threats

Pro: Increased Safety at Home

Locked doors and windows are basic security features of every home. But with a smart home, it’s easier than ever to keep your home secure. Along with smart locks that allow you to lock the entrances and exits with a quick tap, you can also install a smart home security system that includes cameras, sensors, alarms, and lighting. With these, you won’t have to worry about making sure that you locked the doors behind you—you can simply check on your phone, even miles away.

Con: Ongoing Threats

While a smart home can improve your security at home and make you feel safe, the technology behind them—the Internet of Things—still poses a number of risks that make your home vulnerable. Hackers can still get into an unsecured smart home and take control of your devices or listen in to conversations and see you on video. This means, the technologies you installed to keep you safe at home can have just the opposite effect.

Pro Tip

Secure your smart home, starting with your Comwave home internet wi-fi network. Make sure that your router has a strong password, and update it regularly to keep unauthorized users out. Check for regular firmware updates and install them to keep your wi-fi network secure. Lastly, review the devices connected to your wi-fi network—and remove access for those you don’t recognize.

   4. Accessibility vs. Learning Curve

Pro: Accessibility for Everyone at Home

One of the biggest benefits of a smart home is having accessible features. Smart devices are increasingly built with accessibility needs in mind, so older persons and persons with disabilities can easily manage their homes, modify controls to their needs, enjoy entertainment, and stay safe.

Con: Steep Learning Curve

But just like any technology, controlling a smart home comes with a bit of a learning curve. Depending on your smart home setup, the accessibility features on some devices may be difficult to find and control, which can cause users to be frustrated and unable to enjoy the features of their smart home.

Pro Tip

You don’t have to set up your smart home by yourself! There are many resources and guides available to help you get started. Aside from setup instructions for each device, you can also contact Comwave’s customer support team to learn more about connecting a smart device to your fast and cheap home internet service.

Set Up Your Smart Home with Fast and Cheap Comwave Internet

At Comwave, we know all about the pros and cons of a smart home—the unparalleled convenience, but also the initial cost and time it takes to learn and be comfortable with this way of living. And as your trusted provider of the best internet in Canada, we’re here to help you ensure a successful, hassle-free setup.

You’ve seen how much a smart home relies on the fastest internet speed to function. Our customer support specialists can help you find out the best speed that keeps your smart home devices running smoothly, without lags and disruptions. From setting you up with the fastest internet speed, to keeping your home internet plan cheap, you can count on Comwave home internet to keep your smart home running.

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